In Julie's Kitchen - A Few of My Favourite Things

Everyone has 'favourite'  things in their kitchen that make some aspect of their cooking time 
easier or more convenient.   
Here are  a few of my favourite things . 

My favourite luxury appliance .
That would be my wonder mill  so I can grind my own flour.

 My favourite handy kitchen tool
  is my icing sugar sifter that I bought many years ago and love every time I use it.  I keep it full of icing sugar and when I want to dust something it is handy ready ...  no mess ! 

 My favourite new kitchen utensil 
 was a gift ---  a silicone spatula -- it withstands high temps , you can use it in your frying pan,  its unbreakable,  and it does its job so well!   

My favourite 'kind' utensil 
is this peeler.   
I have RA and my right wrist is the worst affected.  
This peeler allows me to peel vegetables avoiding any twisting or side to side wrist movement that is painful.   

 My favourite 'life-saver'  kitchen tool.  
When I first was experiencing what RA  robs your body off, opening bottles/cans was impossible. I remember trying to figure out how to open a can/jar when I was home alone and trying to make dinner and feeling the utter helplessness of holding a jar and not being able to open it.  It dissolved me into tears. 
Then my husband one day came home with this gadget.   It has saved me from many a tear !!  smile. 

Then I have a favourite embarrassing kitchen utensil.   
My husband used to bug me about it saying .. "Throw it away! Get a new one! "   but I let him know in no uncertain terms that this egg turner can  not be replaced.  In fact I have two new ones but which one do I look for ?  This embarrassing old one with the broken/missing handle.   Especially when I make German Pancakes (crepes)  it just skirts around the edge of my cast iron frying pan, slips in underneath the pancake and flips it with a graceful turn.   
My other egg turners just feel awkward in my hand. 

 Do you have an embarrassing kitchen tool that you can't bear to part with ?

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