Saturday in Julie's Kitchen - Feeling Rich!

What do these paper products have to do with eggs ??
They make me  'feel' rich  !!
 Let me explain!  smile.. (please note - (I am limiting my light-hearted comments  to material things -- excluding  the more important relational or spiritual riches.)  

Sometimes its the little things that matter most .  
I like feeling rich ... I know 'rich' usually brings to mind the amount of money someone has in their  bank accounts, how much equity they  have in stocks, businesses or real estate,  or where they fall in the income bracket of society. But  for those who seek after material  riches and possess them , feeling rich is an emotion that is often elusive.
As Benjamin Franklin wisely noted ..  "Content makes poor men rich, discontent makes rich men poor."

When I was growing up, my Mom was frugal , nothing was wasted - a good quality I cannot say I inherited. Two of the things that were on a 'restricted use'  list were paper products and eggs.   A recipe with more than two eggs used too many.
So somehow those items connected with my feelings to conclude that if I could use as much of them as I wished, I would be rich !   To this day, I am completely content  to see my fridge egg tray heaped and a good stock of paper products in my storage space.

What 'little'  things give YOU the 'feeling' of being rich  ??

A Saturday 'TIP' from my kitchen ---  There were very few Saturdays in my growing up years that my Mom did not bake buns.  The very word 'Saturday'  brings to mind  that wonderful aroma of buns baking in the oven !

I recently read of the best rising environment for yeast breads.   This works wonderfully well for my gluten-free loaves since I  bake  only one or two loaves at a time.
Wet a kitchen towel and wring out enough so it isn't dripping , lay  it folded on your microwave tray and zap   for 2 minutes.
Place your loaf pan on the towel in the microwave to let the dough  rise in the warm steamy environment.
Rising time needed is shorter so keep an eye on it !

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